
Posts Tagged ‘Posture’

Newton Starting Blocks

Image via Wikipedia

Acts 20:24  However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. (NIV)

The position has been assumed by my now almost half-century body. When it began I was crouched in the starting blocks, fingers tented, back straight, rump up, muscles trembling in anticipation ready to begin the race .  Ear tuned waiting to hear that starting pistol, the pop that will set my feet to flying to do my part to further His message. So I wait, wait and wait some more. My once lithe figure no longer svelte, strained yet waiting.  The knee that once hovered above the blocks periodically touches the track under the strain of me.  That straight back a little bowed and crackle, fingers once tented have flattened under the weight of  life, yet I wait. You see, I am waiting on God, my condition and time-table are unimportant this is not a sprint and not exactly a marathon.  No matter how long it takes the race will not be cancelled, my crossing the finish line quickly or first not at issue, my continued posture of waiting shows God that I desire to complete the tasks I have been commissioned to complete.

Making His praise glorious!


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Just another wayfarer on life's journey, headed for Home. I'm carrying The Message, and I'm definitely waiting for Guffman.